The Ostogan, we are committed to giving support to people Laryngectomy Care. Loss of nasal function as a result of larygectomy can result in functional changes. Communication involves not just speech but a multitude of nonverbal components, including the use of hands to gesture. However, its impact is no less important on the respiratory system. Laryngeal Cancer affects thousands of people worldwide, and we are no exception. After a total laryngectomy, the larynx is removed in its entired. One of the remarkable developments following a total laryngectomy has been the restoration of voice by means of a phonatory prosthetic device and the aid of stoma protection devices. Humidification and heating of inspired gases by artificial devices is necessary to prevent the unwanted effects of cold and dry gases on the tracheobronchial epithelium during mechanical ventilation. At Ostogan, we develop products for airway management with very high standards. Ostgan’s ostomy catalogue provides a range of products that allow to have a normal routine and treat your skin. In this catalogue you can find ostomy products suitable for colostomies, ileostomies, urostomies and tracheostomies and tracheostomies and also a range dedicated to accessories.